This Just-Released Recording Shows What Newt Gingrich Really Thinks About Trump (VIDEO)

While Newt Gingrich may pretend to be a supporter of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump in public, in private he makes no secret of how he actually feels about the real estate mogul, saying Trump is not a conservative and appeals to voters “at the lowest level of any candidate in either party.”

A secret recording which has just been made public by the Pulitzer Prize winning group ProPublica also reveals Gingrich saying of Trump:

“How we make the transition from, you know, language for fourth graders to real policy, I don’t know.”

Gingrich made the comments in a February speech to the Republican State Leadership Committee, which met in Washington, D.C.

Later in the same speech, Gingrich said:

“This is not a guy who’s shallow or simple, but he is a guy who knows an immense amount about marketing, which is why he talks at a fourth-grade level. He talks at the lowest level of any candidate in either party, not because he’s stupid. He does it because he knows if you talk at a fourth-grade level everybody can understand you.”

Gingrich also added this telling note:

“I do not believe anybody including Trump can tell you what a Trump presidency would be like.”

While he was at it, the former Speaker of the House, who resigned in disgrace after it was revealed he’d had an extramarital affair, also compared Trump to another reality TV family: the Kardashians:

“I mean think about it, the whole tweeting, the whole continuous noise.”

Clearly, even fellow Republicans realize that Donald Trump is a massive joke of a candidate and human being. He is a danger to every freedom we cherish in this country. He must be rejected and defeated in November. Just ask Newt.

Featured Image Via PBS Screengrab