Donald Trump’s supporters like to say that he does things spontaneously. He doesn’t follow a script. He says whatever flits through his little brain at any given moment.
That spontaneity might be admirable in a high school friend, but is it really what we want to see in someone who may be influencing the entire country for at least four years?
I don’t think so.
The New York Times is reporting that Trump’s decision to tap Gov. Mike Pence (R-Ind) as his running mate was made with exactly the same impulsive, flippant attitude. In other words, it seems that there has been a remarkable lack of any plan.
The Times says that last week Trump’s private jet was delayed in Indiana by a mechanical problem. Mr. Trump and his closest political advisors, (although known as his family), were stuck on the tarmac awaiting repairs.
They may not have had a plan for choosing a VP, but Gov. Pence obviously did.
The Governor and his wife invited the Trumps for breakfast at his local mansion. As they were relaxing over no doubt excellent coffee, the Gov. decided to put his plan in place.
According to those present, he launched into a verbal attack on Secretary Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and her husband Bill. He denounced the corruption of the 1990s. His verbal attack, and perhaps his croissants, impressed the Trump entourage.
When the candidate left on Wednesday morning, he hadn’t officially decided on Pence. Later that same evening, though, Donald apparently talked to Pence and told him, “You’re my guy.”
Its pretty interesting to note that Mike Pence endorsed Ted Cruz during the primaries. It’s also interesting to note that Pence is a squeaky clean conservative Christian who apparently passed Trump’s vetting process easily.
Mostly, though, its pretty damned interesting to think about the fact that the Trump campaign went into the vice presidential choice with no clear idea of what the hell they were looking for. There was no well thought out process. No deep, thoughtful, forward looking discussions.
Just a stranded plane, some fresh picked flowers, and very good coffee with a timely rant against Trump’s rival, Hillary Clinton. And, voila! We have a VP candidate.
Are we sure we want to give this guy the nuclear codes?
Featured image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr. Available through Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.