For someone who checks every nook and cranny for dirt on presumptive Democratic nominee, former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) seems to have missed the dirt under his own feet. Considering the recent exposure of Trump’s personal campaign spending habits, it’s amazing he finds time to search for evidence.

The announcement of Governor Mike Pence (R-Ind.) as Donald Trump’s running mate has brought many details of Pence’s past political career to the surface. Despite recent scandals, this latest piece of information about Pence definitely takes the cake. 

Recent sources have revealed, data from Pence’s 1990 finance campaign has indicated something was off.

After a check of the books, it was discovered that about $13,000 in campaign dollars was missing. No one knew the location of this money, except Pence himself.


A hopeful Congressional nominee at the time, it was reported that Gov. Pence used nearly $13,000 in campaign money for “personal expenses.” These expenses included a range of items from his wife’s car payments and groceries to his credit card payments, and even golf tournament fees.

More specifically, the funds were used for at least seven payments each for his mortgage at $992 each, and his wife’s car at $222 each, and the remainder put towards groceries, golf tournaments, and credit card payments.

Let us take a moment to alter changes in cost of living from 1990-2016. That $12,867 multiples to an outstanding $23,700!

Hilariously, while using campaign money for cushion, Pence was running on a platform that criticized his opposition for accepting funds from questionable sources.

Pence of course defended his self-approved bonus, reportedly saying that he took a significant pay cut in leaving his full-time job as a lawyer to run for office.

Records reveal Pence saying

“I’m not embarrassed that I need to make a living.”

It is also likely, we have the Pence fiasco to thank for the  Federal Election Commission decision to examine and tighten terms of use for campaign money. Serving on the general counsel to the FEC at the time, Lawrence Noble says the following:

“These were important cases, They showed that a real problem existed and caused the commission to deal directly [with regulating the use of campaign funds for personal use.]”

His loss in 1990 was a direct result of his hypocrisy. It’s been a little over two decades, with no real consequences. Would you be OK with funding Pence’s next golf tournament?


Featured Image: Screenshot Via Twitter And YouTube Video.