Young Joseph Pryor is an idiotic Trump supporter. He was caught on video assaulting a female protester at a Trump rally in March. Mr. Pryor was trying to become a U.S. Marine; however, that dream is gone now. He was kicked out of their delayed enlistment program because of his actions. He had a Facebook status calling himself a “future Marine,” but as of March 2, that’s no longer the case.

He was captured on video throwing a woman out of a Trump rally. The Louisville police are actually pressing charges against a few people who were at that rally.

Pryor’s Facebook page has been deleted, but he bragged about assaulting the young woman, Shiya Nwanguma, at a Trump rally.

A Marine recruitment office said:

“Joseph Pryor demonstrated poor judgment in his use of social media that associates him with a racially charged altercation at a political rally. Hatred toward any group of individuals is not tolerated in the Marine Corps and he is being discharged from our delayed entry program effective yesterday.”

Nwanguma is a student at the University of Louisville. She said this about the incident:

“I was called a n****r and a c*nt and got kicked out. They were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They’re disgusting and dangerous.”

One of our Liberal America writers, Carissa, actually went to a Trump rally in Kentucky. She said that she witnessed this exchange between two Trump supporters after a group of college students came to protest. One woman said:

“I don’t think THOSE PEOPLE are here to support Trump, and they’re NOT standing by me.”

Her male companion replied:

“Don’t worry. If they don’t move, there’s enough of us here to MOVE them.”

This is how Carissa ended up leaving the place:

“…My sister and I were shoved out of the Kentucky International Convention Center. I was hit in the eye and the back of the head by a man throwing ice and had a black eye later. I don’t believe the hits were intentional, but the man didn’t stop when I looked at him and he knew I was standing there.”

Hopefully, Joseph Pryor has learned his lesson. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom to harass people.

Featured Image: Screenshot Of Paul Bibbs Video Via Facebook.