NEW REPORT: Who Is Responsible For Melania Trump’s Speech? (VIDEO)

I was wrong. There – I said it. From the first report of Melania Trump’s speech fiasco, I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

“Meh. Who cares?” I thought. “Just another transparent ploy of the mainstream media to distract from substantive issues. Besides, everyone knows she didn’t write her own speech. Michelle Obama didn’t write her own speech, either. Speech writers write speeches, so this is obviously the work of some practical joker! Perhaps a disgruntled Trump staffer?”

No one could be so naive (to put it mildly) or stupid (to put it bluntly) to believe that not one of the millions of viewers would notice the patently plagiarized lines… right?

Well, according to this recent story, it appears that one or both of these adjectives may apply to Melania Trump.

Reports from ABC News state that Matthew Scully and John McConnell wrote the original draft last month. The speech they submitted was sans stolen lines, however. The bulk of that speech was apparently tossed aside by the Trump campaign. 

“It is not clear that anyone other than Melania and Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner, had any further input on the speech. This, of course, raises the distinct possibility that Melania Trump, perhaps due to simple ignorance of writing decorum and an inability to competently formulate her own English sentences, did her own research on what a First Lady should say at such an event and ended up lifting those portions herself.

There is no scenario in which Mrs. Trump or the campaign come off looking competent or smart.”

The jokes and memes from every conceivable angle of the political spectrum are still running wild like a rabid beast. I imagine they will until someone commits a faux pas of equal or greater magnitude. I can’t imagine we’ll have to wait very long…

Bear in mind, I remain ambivalent in regards to Trump’s trophy and her speech. I see this as a transparent distraction, and something to fill up air time.

I would personally like to put this nonsense behind us as a nation by channeling that irascible senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders:

The American people are sick and tired of hearing about the damn speech! Enough of the speech! Let’s talk about the real issues facing America!


Featured Image: Screenshot Of YouTube Video.