“What good fortunes for governments that men do not think” – Adolf Hitler.
It is an unfortunate thing that everyone compares their enemies to Adolf Hitler in disagreements because when the real thing comes along, it gets lost in the noise, or “Godwin’s Law.” The warning sirens are drowned out by the sounds of the bickering masses. It is long past time to pay serious attention to the lessons of history. The warnings are there in the open, and they are very clear.
Donald Trump’s rise to power in the United States clearly parallels the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany. This is not dramatic rhetoric, it is the unnerving truth. Hitler rode the anger and fear of poor, frustrated Germans to his fascist victories and Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) is following his lead.
Mein Kampf is a how-to manual and Trump is following it down to the letter. Replace “Jews” with “Muslims” and the unholy story marches on without much editing. Hitler intimidated and threatened his enemies with violence. Trump threatens his enemies with the same.
The Republican National Convention theme has been to jail former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.). “Lock her up!” This is straight out of the fascist handbook.
Hitler had his youth, and if you’ve been to a Trump rally, you know that there is a strong frat-rat, nationalist bro presence. Hitler promised to return Germany to its former greatness, without offering any details on how he planned to do that, and you must call a spade a spade.
I don’t know how to sound the alarms any louder.
Donald Trump has given a voice to the angry, racist white man. That in itself is dangerous. They now feel that it’s acceptable to be openly racist, and they have found others that feel the same way. He has brushed them in from the shadows and now they are gathering in broad daylight. People who would normally be revolted by this are joining in because they fear the “other,” and feel that Trump can make us safe.
This stoking of fear is exactly how Hitler did it, and how Trump is doing it now.
Hitler pointed his demonic finger at outsiders and fed the nationalist vitriol just the same way that Trump demonizes foreigners and offers his skirt for the frightened to hide under.
A sitting U.S. Congressman (Steve King, R-Iowa) made a case for white supremacy on national television during the convention, saying:
“This whole ‘white people’ business’ though does get a little tired. I’d ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people your talking about. Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?”
Well, there is that whole math thing, but I digress…
Hitler used simple catch phrases that he repeated over and over, as did his supporters. If you haven’t encountered a Trump supporter parroting “make America great again,” or “build the wall,” then you should get out more often. He feeds the angry masses the very words to tickle their tongues.
Those red “Make America Great Again” hats might as well have a swastika on them.
Right-wing radio host and RNC speaker Laura Ingraham ended her speech with a Roman salute to a giant picture of Donald Trump doing the same.
Can this be any more clear?
This is fascism. This is what it looks like and what it has looked like throughout history. The alarm sirens are blaring. Can you hear them? For the sake of humanity I hope that you can.
If you’ve not yet seen Donald Trump and his and his followers’ Nazi salute, watch the following to see it first hand:
Featured Image Via Complex News And G4ViralVideos Via YouTube.