In addition to espousing disgusting opinions, Fox News offers very little facts and many falsehoods. One fact-checking website found that only 22 percent of the statements made on Fox News are true or mostly true. Several studies have concluded that regular Fox News viewers are the most uninformed news watchers.

A young lady named Abby noticed that her mother was watching a lot of Fox News and was quite surprised by her mother’s choice of programming. Her mother actually obtained her U.S. citizenship in order to vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primary.

In an effort to save her mother from being brainwashed by Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and company, Abby used parental controls to block Fox News. Cable providers offer a “parental controls” feature so that parents can control what their kids watch. But in this case, it a daughter actually used the feature to control what her mother was watching.

Surprised to find that she could no longer watch Fox News, Abby’s mother called the cable company. Abby then revealed that she had used the parental controls to block the channel. This opened the door for the two of them to “have a conversation about whether it was a good news source or not.”

It was probably quite fitting that Abby blocked Fox News, given all the awful things that Fox News commentators routinely say. Most recently, Bill O’Reilly gave an appalling response to a part of Michelle Obama’s DNC speech. Obama said she “wakes up every morning in a house that was built by slaves.” O’Reilly then pointed out that those slaved were “well fed” and “had decent lodgings provided by the government.”

Might you be interested in using Abby’s method to stop your family members from watching Fox News? Here are the online instructions for how to use parental controls with Time Warner Cable, Comcast XFinity, and Verizon Fios.

Just for fun, here are some of the absolute worst Fox News clips and segments:

Featured image from NewsCorpse, with data supplied by PolitiFact.