I’m not as worried about Debbie Wasserman Schultz wanting to help elect Hillary as I am of Vladimir Putin trying to help elect Trump.”

A bit of perspective. Yes, the Democrats have kneecapped themselves again. We seem to do it every time. We have always been our own worst enemy. It’s the friendly fire that’s killing us. We cannot seem to manage the same unity as the right, and why is that?

In the 1980s they mowed us over with the Reagan mobs convincing everyone that we weren’t true Christians if we didn’t vote Republican. They beat us with George W. Bush by questioning our patriotism and now they are watching us scramble and throw signs at each other as they form one giant angry blob that is salivating at the sight of us drawing blood from each other.

How do they do it? How do they keep beating us?

They are the minority and the data shows it. But they still keep winning elections. It’s because they move as one. They form a solid block of ignorance and greed and the whip us about the head and neck with it like the famed cartoon:

Wonder twin powers, activate! Form of – a united front!”


Image Used With Permission Of Slugnuts.

We progressives tend to be thinkers, philosophers some, and we respect the opinions and perspectives of different folks and we embrace diversity. By our very nature we abhor the brain-washing, the groupthink, the disgusting white bread sameness of the right, but that is their strength.

They have mottos, they repeat them in their churches, they do as they are told because Jesus says so and it would be akin to pissing on a flag if they did otherwise. They are a mass. A rock solid, voting mass. We don’t resort to those tactics, because they are abhorrent, and they are manipulation on an Orwellian scale that we cannot stomach and rightfully so.

Where Does That Leave Us?

It often leaves us shattered and dispersed and it threatens to do so again, right now. The emails provided to Wikileaks by what is now generally presumed to be Russian hackers show some fairly foul behavior by the Democrat party to have the nomination turn out the way they wanted instead of what the people wanted. Bernie Sanders supporters are pissed off and justifiably so.

This could not have come at a worse time. Just when we need to be uniting, we are fighting each other.

Don’t for a second think that this is coincidence. Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort has a not-so-secret pro-Putin history and ties there that no one is really questioning. Trump has recently suggested that he may not honor our NATO alliances, which is certainly going to earn Donald a greasy Putin reach-around.

George Will suggests that the reason Trump won’t show us his tax returns is because they document his dealings with Russian oligarchs.

The Bottom-Line

The election process is broken in the U.S., and our democracy is gasping at the moment. It glistens with the slime of cronyism and rattles with the sounds of the corrupt counting their coins while they shred our ballots.

We know this. Anyone who has been paying attention to American politics for longer than the term of their iPhone agreement has known this for years.

What is revealed in the leaked Democratic National Committee emails really should not surprise anyone at this point. Disgusting? Yes. Corrupt? As hell. Are we shocked? The monkey grunts an embarrassed ‘no.’

Even with all of the corruption, and the payola, and the general disregard for the democratic process, even with the Neo-liberalism and the hawkish inclinations, Hillary Clinton is nowhere near the evil, self-serving, treasonous, abominable fascist threat that Donald Trump presents to our very existence.

It’s not even in the ballpark. Hillary Clinton may represent a corrupt deviation from the democratic process and to some she may seem a harm to the very core of what America stands for, But Trump – Donald Trump – he is a threat to humanity itself.


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