A priest in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana was arrested on 500 counts of child pornography. Father Felix David Broussard is a priest at St. Bernard Roman Catholic Church.
Broussard had been at that church for two years. He was released on a $25,000 bond. Obviously, he has been placed on administrative leave with the church.
Bishop Douglas Deshotel at his church said:
“My understanding from police I visited with was that the computer was brought in for repairs and the technician there as I think is state law they have a duty to report anything that is illegal. Only good letters from people who loved him in the parish. But you know this kind of illness hides itself in a person. We don’t know.”
The Louisiana State Police said:
“…Maintain working relationships with partner law enforcement agencies, individuals, and private entities statewide in an attempt to locate and arrest those individuals who commit crimes against children.”
Deshotel also said this about the incident:
“As we know, in our society, child pornography is a plague. It runs the gamut of all strata of society.”
Broussard was using a computer in the church that he had access to. Deshotel took the computer in for repairs, and they technicians found the pornographic images. They are required by law to report any illegal things they find.
One member of his congregation, Monica Champagne, said this about Broussard:
“It hurts me dearly and deeply because he’s a good, loving, caring father. I went to him for help, and he gave all his heart to me. I’m going to always love Fr. Broussard no matter the false accusations they’re putting out for him.”
He was well-loved in the community. His parishioners all thought he was a great priest. You never know what people do behind closed doors. This guy needs to go to prison.
A news report about the case:
Here is a video about the effects of pornography:
Featured Image Via YouTube Video.