Many experts in politics are voicing their fear and distaste and general horror of presidential nominee Donald Trump (R-N.Y.). He received his first intelligence briefings last week, and he may have already leaked sensitive, possibly classified information.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) had suggested that we give him fake information. He is such a huge danger to our country that many high ranking Republicans are changing their minds and supporting former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton.
Some conservative legal experts are weighing in on the Cheetos nightmare now. Lawfare’s Benjamin Wittes, Editor-In-Chief, says that we need to be questioning Trump’s patriotism:
“Russian intelligence services to conduct illegal espionage against his opponent. I am pretty careful about not questioning people’s patriotism, but when a presidential candidate calls on a foreign intelligence service to engage in operations against the United States, he leaves us little choice.”
The incident Wittes is talking about is a speech from a rally at one of The Donald’s campaign rallies. He said that he wants Russia to invade Hillary Clinton’s emails.
Orin Kerr, a professor of law at George Washington University and a Federalist Society expert wrote about the horror of a Trump Justice Department on a blog, Volokh Conspiracy:
“It would be pretty damn frightening, I think. Trump has two long-standing passions when it comes to law and law enforcement. His first passion is the suppression of protest and dissent. And his second passion is bringing lots of legal actions against his critics and threatening many more to get his way.”
David Post, a retired law professor writing for the Volokh Conspiracy, said this about Drumpf:
“This is how authoritarianism starts, with a president who does not respect the judiciary. You can criticize the judicial system, you can criticize individual cases, you can criticize individual judges. But the president has to be clear that the law is the law and that he enforces the law. That is his constitutional obligation.”
Listen to these intelligent legal minds. We must keep Cinnamon Hitler The Donald far, far away from the White House. He will destroy this country.
This PSA helps show just how Dangerous Drumpf is for our country: