32 HILARIOUS Political Tweets About Trump (TWEETS AND VIDEO)

This election is a ginormous clusterf***. It is scary that the unhinged Republican nominee, Donald Trump, actually got his nomination. We have seen plenty of insults lobbed at this narcissist, volatile, lying, bigot, racist, misogynistic douche. There are many snarky Twitter users commenting about him and about the election. I’m bringing you some of the funniest tweets about this election.

1. This has been true for the last year…

2. A perfectly valid question…

3. Never forget…

The sexist ass has said that he would be dating his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter. He very awkwardly felt her up at the Republican National Convention two weeks ago.

4. Bahahaha!

5. A new portrait

I think this is a great likeness.

6. Sounds like something he’d do…

I hope he hasn’t watched those movies. He may take them as political advice.

7. I know we’re tired of it.

Vote blue! No one wants to listen to his voice for the next 4 – 8 years. The thought of it is too scary.

8. For my nerdy peeps…


This is a Star Wars reference.

9. He sacrifices so much…

10. Rhymes FTW!

This is some nice original poetry.

11. This…

12. Yes!

He needs way more than a brain.

13. This explains a lot

I knew it!

14. He must be dry cleaning his white sheets as well…


15. He sacrifices so much for us!


16. He kicked a woman with a crying baby out of a rally today

17. Trump really has sacrificed a lot…

18. This is accurate

19. Hahahaha!!

20. Boo-hoo

21. Did he really just say that?

Yes, he did.

22. Poor baby


23. This is amazing!

24. His sons are gross, too

25. OMG! I’m dying!

26. I agree

27. Yes! Deadpool!

28. Trump shouldn’t be judging anybody for anything

29. Burn!

30. Burn about his man parts!

31. Whoop Whoop!

32. Bok bok bok! Chicken!

Run that burn under a cold tap.

Bonus! Video about the tax returns!

Featured image from DonkeyHotey via Flickr available under CC Attribution-ShareAlike license.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com