WATCH: This Republican Calling Trump A ‘Loudmouthed D*ck’ Live On CNN Is Priceless

Republican consultant, Liz Mair, called the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, a “loudmouthed dick” on live TV. Mair is a communications expert, political consultant, and blogger. During the 2008 election, she served as the Online Communications Director for the Republican National Committee.

She was born and raised in Seattle and she lived in the United Kingdom for ten years. She earned an MA in International Relations from the University of St. Andrews.

Anderson Cooper asked her:

“Have you lost any hope that the GOP can rein Trump in to be more traditional or at least more disciplined?”

She replied with:

“I lost all hope of that probably seven, eight months ago. Quite candidly, it’s amazing to me that anybody is still having a discussion about having some sort of an intervention or bringing him back on message.”

She continued:

“This is his message. His message is being a loudmouthed dick, basically, and going out there and offending people and then engaging in an airing of grievances.”

When she said it, Anderson Cooper just pretended he didn’t hear it, and he continued with the interview as if nothing had happened.

Afterwards, she tweeted:

Mair used to be on the Scott Walker campaign, but she resigned after just one day on the job. She will likely not be able to be on another talk show after this.

Twitter seems to approve of her remarks. One user said:

Another user said:

This is not the first time Mair has been involved in a Twitter feud. Ann Coulter criticized the Khan family after they were on CNN, and she spelled the host’s name wrong:

Mair fired back and said:

Here is the priceless clip of the CNN interview with Anderson Cooper:

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.

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