Rush Limbaugh Offers Up Suggestion On Who Should Replace Trump On GOP Ticket (VIDEO)

Rush Limbaugh will, unfortunately, be keeping his radio show for another four years. It seems doubtful that he will get much smarter in that amount of time. On his Friday show, Limbaugh responded to the news that many Republican higher-ups are criticizing presidential candidate Donald Trump. In fact, many people seem to think that he is going to quit the race.

If Trump were to exit the race, Limbaugh thinks he knows the perfect candidate to replace him.

Brace yourself for this one. It’s a doozy.

Did you catch that? Yes, Limbaugh suggested that Khizr Khan, the Gold Star father that Trump has lately been attacking, should replace the beleaguered Republican candidate. Because he cannot be criticized.

In case you are unable to watch the video, here is what Limbaugh had to say about the idea:

“I mean, how can Hillary even run against the father of a war hero… She couldn’t say a word. She couldn’t criticize him. That’s what we’ve learned from the Democratic Convention. You can’t criticize Khizr Khan!”

Of course, Limbaugh’s criticism is absurd. Trump is being eviscerated for his comments on the Khan family for their tactlessness and dangerous ignorance (such as suggesting that Mrs. Khan did not speak because she was not allowed to due to being Muslim).

The family’s religion helps them even more, in Limbaugh’s eyes:

“He’s a Muslim to boot. Double insurance against any criticism whatsoever!”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if being Muslim protects you from criticism, then Trump (in his own view) should probably stop the criticism of our current president.

This is classic Limbaugh though. Whether he states that Liberals will rise to “a level of violence that we have not seen” should Trump win the election, or that evolution is not real because a captive gorilla did not change into a human during its life at the zoo, he proves time and time again how hard it is to fix stupid.

Featured Image: Screenshot Via YouTube Video.