Fifty Republican experts on national security have penned a letter condemning the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. They say that Trump doesn’t have the character and temperament to be president.

Two of the people who signed this letter are former CIA and National Security Agency Director Michael Hayden, and former Director of National Intelligence and Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte. Many other Republican security experts signed also.
The letter said in part:
“In addition, Mr. Trump has demonstrated repeatedly that he has little understanding of America’s vital national interests, its complex diplomatic challenges, its indispensable alliances, and its democratic values on which U.S. foreign policy must be based. At the same time, he persistently compliments our adversaries and threatens our allies and friends. Unlike previous Presidents who had limited experience in foreign affairs, Mr. Trump has shown no interest in educating himself. He continues to display an alarming ignorance of basic facts of contemporary international politics. Despite his breathtaking lack of knowledge, Mr. Trump arrogantly claims that he understands foreign affairs and “knows more about ISIS than the generals do.”
A Trump adviser had his little temper tantrum and said: