Much of politics is marketing. Creating a political atmosphere where people can instantly identify a party based on individual issues. For Democrats, their past decade of work has helped them become the voice for minorities, LGBT members, women, labor rights, and immigrants.

While Democrats have dominated these particular sectors of society, Republicans have clung to white middle-class workers and the religious community as their areas of maximum influence.

Not a day goes by where Republicans don’t say there needs to be a president who puts God first back in the White House.

These Christian ideals, which Republicans claim are at the core of their party, are brought into question by a recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center. On Monday, they published their findings that show that ten percent of churchgoers had heard clergy members speak out against a candidate.

Seven percent of those people had heard negative messages for Presidential Candidate Donald Trump versus only four percent for his rival, Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton.

Even more interesting is the response from Christian evangelicals who have supported Donald Trump throughout his campaign. According to the survey, only two percent of white evangelicals had heard pro-Trump messages coming from church leaders.

While three percent of white evangelicals had heard anti-Trump messages coming from church leaders.

With the lack of support from Christian leaders of all denominations, it may be premature for Donald Trump and the Republican Party to assume they are the de facto “faith party.”

When you factor in the overwhelming support Hillary Clinton receives from African American churches, you can make the argument that she may receive more of the religious vote than Mr. Trump.

What makes this even more interesting is that these clergy and church leaders are violating federal law when talking about specific presidential candidates. The Johnson Amendment prohibits clergy members from endorsing or opposing political candidates. Churches who engage in this activity could potentially have their tax-exempt status revoked.

The fact that these church leaders are violating a federal law means they are extremely passionate about the positions they are taking. Meaning there are more passionate church leaders publicly supporting Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

These statistics by the Pew Research Center are most assuredly making Ben Carson shake in his conservative boots. Seeing as he recently called Hillary Clinton a “Lucifer acknowledger.”

It appears she may have a little more Jesus in her than he cares to admit. After all, she is a self-proclaimed Methodist.

Featured Image; Screenshot Via YouTube Video.