Let’s get Republican Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence a TARDIS so he can go back to the 1950s. He seems to want to be in that era, so we should help him. He is a Christian extremist. He is anti-gay, anti-women, anti-science, and generally backwards.
Back in 2002, then Secretary of State, Colin Powell said that sexually active young people should be using condoms to protect themselves from diseases.
Pence was disappointed that Colin Powell didn’t:
“…reaffirm this president’s commitment to abstinence as the best choice for our young people.”
Pence then told a very common lie that Republicans use when they preach abstinence. He said that condoms don’t provide protection.
Pence actually said:
“The problem is it was too modern of an answer, Wolf. It was — it truly was a modern, liberal answer to a problem that parents like me are facing all over America, and frankly, all over the world.”
As Governor of Indiana, Pence allowed an HIV outbreak to spread because he would not implement a clean needle exchange program. Pence decided to pray instead.
The New York Times reported:
“In recent interviews, local, state and federal health officials said Mr. Pence initially held firm. So as they struggled to contain the spread of H.I.V., the officials embarked on a behind-the-scenes effort over several weeks to persuade him to change his mind, using political pressure, research and pleas for help from this remote, poor community.”
“…More than two months after the outbreak was detected, Mr. Pence said he was going to go home and pray on it.”
“Two days later, he issued an executive order allowing syringes to be distributed in Scott County.”
This is not the only time Pence went full potato. He says and does a lot of weird things even for a Republican. He is very anti-woman. He actually said the Disney movie, Mulan, is liberal propaganda.
We need to keep both of these idiots out of the White House. They will take our country back to the 1950s. Here is a fun piece from Full Frontal with Samantha Bee talking about Mike Pence.
Featured image from video.