Shocker! Another Conservative Christian is against women’s rights. These Republicans would take our country back 50 years if we let them. The radio host for the American Family Association, Bryan Fischer, said:

“That’s always the pattern in the word of God. The kings were all males, when you had a departure from that with Jezebel and Athaliah, it was not a good thing, it did not work out well. Leadership in the church is reserved for men, leadership in the home is reserved for men. In other words, in God’s economy, he has designed leadership and authority in society and in the church and in the home to be exercised by men.

I think you could make a good case that leadership in culture, society, politically as well as in the home, that that is something in God’s economy that’s reserved for men. What if somebody had the courage to go on national TV, somebody of some kind of prominence or visibility, and said, ‘Look, I’m going to vote for Trump because he’s a man. I don’t believe that women should be entrusted with high political office’ … That’s the position I happen to take.”

The American Family Association is a group of hateful right-wing extremists. These are the same people who were calling for the boycotts against Target over that horrid transgender “bathroom bill.”

This is not the first pile of stupidity this man has spewed. He says that people who don’t force the Bible on others are doing “the devil’s work.”

He joined Alabama Chief Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore in claiming that we shouldn’t issue same-sex marriage licenses.

He offered to pay American Muslims to leave the country last December. Last September, he said that people who immigrate here should be willing to convert to Christianity. If they don’t they are wasting his time.

This guy is way too extreme!

Image is a YouTube screengrab.