The National Rifle Association has spent more than $6 million in TV advertisements on behalf of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Many Republican pundits and associates have abandoned Trump, with several openly supporting Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. However, the unethical recognize each other, so it makes sense that the NRA has an infatuation with Trump.

The NRA Is Loyal To Trump When No One Else Is

Many traditional Republicans have abandoned Trump, with even the Koch brothers relaying their funds for scholarly campaigns to shape America’s future. As of June 2016, only a pathetic 2 percent of donors who originally donated to Mitt Romney’s 2012 Super PAC had given any funds to Trump. Many of these conservative pundits even donated to Hillary Clinton more than they did to Trump. Those who are keen on open trade have been getting cozy with Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, as well as social conservatives who feel out of touch with Trump’s rhetoric.

Hillary Clinton Isn’t Taking Anyone’s Guns Away – Obviously

The NRA has spent years trying to convince Americans that President Obama was out to take their guns and suppress supporters of the Second Amendment. Now they are rehashing the same myth and swapping the president’s name for Clinton.

Clinton is striving for common sense gun laws, which is a stance that is far from the radical idea of her taking away people’s guns. She has mentioned that people on the FBI’s watch list with suspected terrorist connections shouldn’t be able to purchase a gun. Loopholes and criminal background evasions should also be closed.

Hillary Clinton’s official website mentions that as president, she will expand background checks to include gun show sales, revoking licenses from dealers who break the law, and to keep guns away from violent citizens and those who are severely mentally ill – a condition that seems like a common denominator when it comes to American gun violence.

Featured image from Twitter video.