If you missed Donald Trump’s big foreign policy speech yesterday, allow me to take a moment and give you a synopsis of what he said:

  • Muslims are bad people; they’re terrorists
  • We aren’t gonna let Muslims enter the United States
  • Did I mention how bad Muslims are?

On “Morning Joe” today, the guest was retired Admiral James Stavridis, and he weighed in on what the GOP nominee said yesterday in Youngstown, Ohio. Stavridis said:

“What really was lacking in the speech was anything about how the inter-agency of the government would work together, how you’d use intelligence, how you’d use cyber, private-public cooperation, and strategic communication. The only strategic communication I heard was, ‘I hate Muslims’ — that’s not going to help us out much in the Muslim world.”

Trump also talked about what he called “extreme vetting.” It was so important that the Orange Menace even repeated the phrase twice: Extreme vetting. Apparently extreme vetting consists of asking those who wish to enter the United States if they believe American democracy should be replaced by Sharia law, based on the Koran. Here’s how that conversation would go:

American official: “Do you want to replace the U.S. government with an Islamic caliphate and impose Sharia law?”

Person seeking entry: “No, certainly not!”

American official: “Welcome to the United States.”

As you can see, that would work really well. NOT!

It is no exaggeration to say that Donald Trump is the most clueless person to ever run for the White House. And his plans for American foreign policy would make our country weaker and more vulnerable to attacks from our enemies. He must be soundly defeated in November.

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