Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has amassed more controversy this week. He proposed that Muslims should have to pass a special test to be admitted into the country. He called it “extreme vetting.”

Donald Trump
Image via YouTube screengrab.

We all know Fox News’ programs are jam-packed with lies. On one of their shows, called The Five, one of their correspondents, Jesse Watters, made a really horrid remark recently.

They were brainstorming ways to make this plan more attractive to young voters. Watters said:

“If there’s one more terror attack, maybe in October, this is gonna make Trump’s plan look a lot more appealing.”

His co-host, Juan Williams, said:

“Oh my god, what wishful thinking. Anti-American! That’s unbelievable!”

This is just disgusting, even for Fox News. They are hoping someone gets killed, so their candidate’s policies don’t look so horrid.

Muslims already experience so much hate in this country. This is just going to make things worse.

He has also said this about vetting Muslims:

“I don’t want people coming in — I don’t want people coming in from certain countries. I don’t want people coming in from the terror countries. You have terror countries! I don’t want them, unless they’re very, very strongly vetted.”

Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, took the Muslim ban one step further when he said:

“I think what you heard in the convention speech, what we talked about out on the stump is that we would temporarily suspend from countries or from territories if you will — the caliphate obviously of ISIS expands beyond one country — but to say that individuals that come from regions or countries that have been compromised by terrorism, that we would expand that immigration. I think that’s appropriate until we develop a new vetting system.”

This kind of hatred could cause hate crimes. There has already been one case of this. In New York City, an Imam at a Mosque was murdered. The family is blaming Donald Trump.

We don’t need Fox News making things worse.

Here is a clip from the news segment: