We all know the GOP are not friends of science. However, Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has reached an entirely new level of science-denial.

The magazine, Scientific American, is publishing an editorial on Trump for their September 1 issue. The editorial board wrote:

“As if to prove his point, one of the two major party candidates for the highest office in the land has repeatedly and resoundingly demonstrated a disregard, if not outright contempt, for science. Donald Trump also has shown an authoritarian tendency to base policy arguments on questionable assertions of fact and a cult of personality.”

It further says:

“Scientific American is not in the business of endorsing political candidates. But we do take a stand for science—the most reliable path to objective knowledge the world has seen—and the Enlightenment values that gave rise to it. It won’t come as a surprise to anyone who pays even superficial attention to politics that over the past few decades facts have become an undervalued commodity.”

Donald Trump is a horrible science denier. We need our President to actually understand the scientific issues our country is dealing with.

Donald Trump thinks that climate change is a Chinese “plot” and wants to take apart a 20 year agreement between our countries. He says this despite the fact that 97 percent of climate scientists believe it. He also thinks vaccines cause autism, and he doesn’t want to fund NASA.

When Bill Nye was asked about what questions he wanted to ask Republican candidates, he said:

“Mr. _______, you’ve stated repeatedly that you feel that climate change and global warming are not things we need to worry about in the short or even long term; why do you disagree with the world’s science community and the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?”

“Mr. _______, would you say that you believe your intuition and experience with weather are more scientifically correct than the research done by the world’s climate scientists, and do you believe that the world’s scientists are part of a conspiracy?”

Donald Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence (R-IN), is also a science-denier. Pence is a creationist and a climate change denier.

Featured image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr, available via a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.