WATCH: Trump Adviser Adds His Own Crazy Racist Comments To The Campaign

Thank Goodness!

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s team of advisers has finally figured out why he is having so much trouble with Black voters.

It isn’t because Trump is condescending and paternalistic toward the African American community.  Nope. That can’t be the problem. So at one rally, Trump pointed to the only Black person in sight and referred to him as “my African American.” So what?

It isn’t because Trump is on record as claiming that “laziness is a trait in Blacks.” Oh, no. Why would that lower his support in the Black community?

Trump and his staff are notorious for twisting the truth like a bunch of candy makers with a batch of taffy. They pull it, stretch it and turn it until it turns into something else all together.

Now Mediaite reports that Trump surrogate Darrell Scott has the answer to Trump’s low poll numbers with Black voters.

Appearing on CNN on Wednesday, the pastor and Trump surrogate, who is himself African-American, said this:

“The thing that kills is this: Black people believe satire. Black people believe parody. I had a guy that I considered to be a very intelligent person send me a headline from a satire website that said “Donald Trump Plans on Deporting All African-Americans back to Africa,” and he believed it.”

Well, gee.

Maybe I’m crazy, but I don’t think calling African-Americans too stupid to discriminate between truth and satire is going to get out the vote.

The most amusing part of this particular Trump train wreck is the fact that it’s actually his supporters, who are nearly all white, who wouldn’t recognize the truth if it bit them on the butt.

They believe that Germany is overwhelmed with crime because of immigration, when in fact the crime rate is unchanged. They accept it as truth when Trump claims that Mexico is sending us its rapists.

These gullible voters even believe Trump when he says that he’s a brilliant businessman.

Talk about satire….

Featured image by Disney/ABC Television via Flickr. Available through Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs Generic License 2.0


Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"