Frank Luntz Voter Focus Group Says Trump Is ELECTORAL TOAST (VIDEO)

“Face the Nation” asked well-known pollster and GOP advisor Frank Luntz to empanel and talk to a focus group of voters in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, and the results are very bad news for Donald Trump and the GOP.

One of the participants said the things Trump has said over the past few months have turned him against the Republican nominee:

“He was my first choice. But just along the way, he has — I guess you can say he’s lost me. I’m not saying there’s no chance of turning but he’s become outrageous. I mean, we all have thoughts, but I think he speaks without thinking.”

Another man said he thinks Trump is acting like a child:

“When he initially began to run, he gave voice to a lot of the frustrations that I was feeling about how government is working or more to the point not working. But since then, he’s been running as a 12-year-old and changes his positions every news cycle, so you don’t even know where he stands on the issues.”

And a gentleman named Howard asked the question most Americans are now having to consider: Do we want Trump as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces? Howard told Luntz:

“Whenever somebody makes a derogatory comment to him, like in a democratic convention, Trump feels like he needs to attack that person. And he says things that are crazy. And I keep asking myself: is this the kind of person I want to handle the nuclear codes?”

One of the panelists compared the race for the White House to a job interview and noted that a person hoping to get a job would never in a million years say or do some of the wild things Trump has on the campaign trail.

What does all of this mean for the Trump campaign as the race enters the home stretch? It means Trump and the GOP are roadkill, and they will soon be nothing but footnotes to the electoral history of this country.

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