I don’t know about you guys, but this election is so frustrating. The fact that an orange, unhinged, racist bigot is nominated for president is very scary; of course, these are Republicans. This candidate is the worst that I’ve heard of. Comedian Jim Jefferies said this about Trump supporters:

“What he [Donald Trump] does is he preys on fear.”

“What happens is [Trump] says really simple sh*t that means nothing… If you’ve ever said this sentence: ‘I like him because he’s a straight talker,’ you’re as dumb as sh*t.”

I’ve done plenty of jokes about Trump, but this one made me laugh so hard. You may be looking for ways to express your frustration. The people on this page, Fingers Up For Donald Trump, have you covered.

Some of the best ones (but don’t scroll down if you’re at work – your boss might not find it as funny as we do):

1. Outside of Trump Tower

If I ever went to New York, this would be one stop I would make.

2. If I Saw One Of These, I’d Freak Out

Even his cutout looks orange; I guess they wanted to make it authentic. Is it just me or does that face look sad? It just looks like he is begging you for a vote.

3. This!

This is an obscenely big sign. I would totally flip it off or write on it.

4. Of Course, He Has This Ridiculous Sign

Of course, he can’t have a normal sign. He has to have a stone monument in front of his hotel.

5. He Deserves To Be Flipped Off Even When Naked

If I saw one of those statues, I would just HAVE to get a picture with it.

6. An Important Message From Hillary Clinton

I’m with her as well.


7. Does He Know What He Is Retweeting?

Did he think that the fingers were a good thing?


8. Can’t Neglect This Star

Oh, I would have to flip this off. What did he do to get a star?

Here is a video of a protester who was thrown out of a rally for flipping off Trump:

Featured image by Donkey Hotey, available under Creative Commons license.

h/t Fingers Up For Donald Trump