It seems you can add Paul Wolfowitz, a former adviser to George W. Bush, to the growing number of Republicans who won’t be able to bring themselves to vote for Donald Trump. During an interview with Der Spiegel, Wolfowitz stated he may have to vote for Hillary Clinton, in spite of their differences:
“I wish there were somebody I could be comfortable voting for. I might have to vote for Hillary Clinton, even though I have big reservations about her.”
Several other notable Republicans who served under Bush have said they won’t be voting for Trump. Richard Armitage, Henry Paulson Jr., and Philip Levy, to name a few. What gives?
Dangerous Donald Trump
Many believe that foreign policy is the critical issue. Hillary Clinton’s vision of America’s role overseas is more in line with many of these Republican defectors. In Wolfowitz’s case, he believes the Republican presidential candidate is a clear danger to US interests. When asked to expound upon why he thought Trump was a risk, Wolfowitz got straight to the point:
“He says he admires Putin, that Saddam Hussein was killing terrorists, that the Chinese were impressive because they were tough on Tiananmen Square. That is pretty disturbing.”
Wolfowitz explained that Trump’s “contempt” for US allies and lack of concern regarding “Russian aggression” could make for a dangerous combination:
“Putin is behaving in a very dangerous way. And Trump sounds as though he would simply sit back and allow that to go on. I worry about where that would end up.”
Wolfowitz, if you’ll recall, is often referred to as the “Architect of the Iraq War.” It’s a title he insists is inaccurate, as he claims things would be “different” if that were truly the case. Still, it’s got to sting for Trump when the guy most people blame for Iraq is calling him out for playing a risky foreign policy game.
One wonders what the presidential nominee must be thinking. His poll numbers continue to slide and even other Republicans are voicing their displeasure with his views on the world.
Lest you begin to grow a soft spot for Wolfowitz, bear in mind he’s no angel. Here he is shucking and jiving about the Iraq War:
Featured image via YouTube video.