France has been in the news a lot during the last few days. There is some controversy over Muslim women who were wearing “burkinis.” It’s a swimsuit that covers all of their bodies.

Apparently, France has a problem with women covering. A burkiniIt covers almost the same as a wet-suit, except it doesn’t fit so tightly. Many French resorts are trying to ban the burkini; some towns are even stopping and fining women wearing these suits.

Now, a restaurant in France is refusing to serve Muslims because “they are all terrorists.” Le Cenacle in Tremblay-en-France is a fancy restaurant listed in many travel guides. In the video, the chef says:

“The terrorists are Muslim and all Muslims are terrorists… They recently killed a priest. This is a secular country and I have a right to an opinion… I don’t want people like you here. Full stop.”

Later, he apologized saying:

“I spoke out of turn and I apologise, I have a friend who died in the Bataclan attacks and wrongly mixed everything up. I do not truly believe the things I said, my comments did not reflect what I really think.”

One of the rudest lines is when the chef says:

“Terrorists are Muslims, and all Muslims are terrorists. This sentence says it all, analyse it.”

And then there’s this:

“People like you, I don’t want them here. You are imposing yourself here […] get out.”

The hashtag #Cenacle is trending. This discrimination should not be happening. It’s 2016, people.

Some people are nervous because of the recent terror attacks in the country. Back in July, a man in Nice rented a truck and drove it through a crowd of people. It was on the French holiday, Bastille Day.

This discrimination against innocent people needs to stop.

Here is the video of the exchange in the restaurant with English subtitles:

Featured image via Twitter.