Wouldn’t you just hate to be Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence?

I mean, it’s bad enough that the guy has to have his name forever linked with the most obnoxious, appalling, cringe-worthy presidential candidate in history. His first foray onto the national political stage is about to go down in flames.

Worse yet, he has to constantly try to explain away the verbal seizures of his running mate.

The Guardian reports that the Republican vice presidential candidate was on CNN’s State of the Union yesterday. He was asked about the tweet sent out by his impulsive running mate, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. A young, Black mother, the cousin of basketball great Dwyane Wade, was shot and killed in Chicago. Trump sent a tweet that basically congratulated himself because the murder was going to somehow win him votes.  The internet lit up with scorn.

The comment was obviously self-serving, racist, narcissistic and just plain wrong. Poor Mike Pence. What could he say? He said this:

“Donald Trump has a plainspoken way about him. The point Donald Trump was making as that we have a choice to make this fall.”

Oh, really? “Plainspoken?” What an interesting euphemism for mean spirited and clueless.

Poor Mike Pence.

A week or so ago when Trump claimed that President Obama was the “founder of ISIS,” Pence was left to explain it away. He turned himself into the perfect spin doctor by saying this:

“The media’s talking today about another controversy over semantics.”

Semantics?! I don’t think so, Mike. Nice try, though!

Let’s not forget the time when Trump told his supporters that “Second Amendment people” might be able to stop Hillary Clinton from choosing judges. When the outcry against the violent statement  hit epic proportions, poor Mike Pence was left to clean up the sludge spill.

Oh, come on now, Mike tried to tell us. Trump wasn’t telling people to use their guns as a solution. Heck, no. It doesn’t matter that everyone who heard him thought that was what he meant. Uncle Mike can translate for his boss. This is what he said:

“I think what Donald Trump is clearly saying was that people who cherish that right, people who believe that firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens make our communities more safe, not less safe, should be involved in the political process and let their voice be heard.”

Talk about spin.

Mike Pence must be living on Dramamine and Pepto.

I would really hate to be in his shoes.

Watch this 11 year old try to nail Pence on his role as family apologist.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.