A lot is going on in politics right now. Under a new campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, Republican candidate Trump is walking a tightrope in the face of poor polling. He seems to be pretending he didn’t say all those offensive things, but at the same time trying keep his supporters (who seem to like offensive) on his side. Trump supporter, Ann Coulter, is usually quite outspoken, but today she has surprised everyone.

Weiner and Huma separate, Ann Coulter asked to comment

Most Republicans are having a field day with the split between Weiner and his wife, Huma (who is also Hillary’s aide). From saying Huma is to blame and that she will now be a liability to conspiracy theories about Huma and Hillary being in a lesbian relationship, political speculation has hit a new low.

Ann Coulter, famed for being an outspoken Republican and Trump supporter, was just asked about the split. Surprisingly the outspoken commentator pretty much just shrugged her shoulders with the comment:

“I’m just surprised it wasn’t sooner.”

This is unexpected considering Coulter’s usual rhetoric. Perhaps she does not want to draw attention to Trump’s own hypocrisy. This man talks about certain ethnic groups having broken families, despite his own three marriages and his children from each marriage. Or perhaps Ann just wanted to get back to convincing us that Trump is not really ‘flip flopping’ on immigration, yeah right!

The last Weiner sexting scandal involved his sending pictures of his… er wiener. Sex scandals and marriage breakdowns are always thrown around as if they hugely influence voting.

But do they really?

All of this leads me to the question, does anyone really believe Trump is sincere after all of this craziness? I mean who would actually change their mind and vote for him now, just because he has been told to tone the racism down? In the same way, would any people backing Hillary suddenly change their minds just because her aide has split with her husband?

It’s doubtful at best.

Years ago when the original Weiner scandal occurred, Ann Coulter did not hold back on Weiner. Back then, she appeared on Geraldo (also featuring Kellyanne Conway Trump’s now campaign leader) and had a lot to say about it.



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