Trump’s Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway – ‘Liar-In-Chief’ Living In Fantasy Land (VIDEO)

Kellyanne Conway has been Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign chief for just about two weeks now. In that time, how much of what she’s said is actually true?

Campaign Manager or ‘Liar-In-Chief’?

In a piece for Salon, Cody Cain shows that from the very beginning, Conway’s trademark has been lying, starting with the circumstances of her hiring. He writes,

“Some might say that Conway deserves some leeway because such a major shake-up is a sensitive event and any new campaign manager would certainly finesse the issue to minimize the damage. Fair enough.But this was no mere finessing. This was a carefully planned lie. Presenting to the media the new false management structure of the three-person team created the impression that a disorderly shake-up was not underway. But, of course, this turned out to be a deception.Furthermore, when Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton suggested that it was a shake-up, Conway viciously attacked her for being a liar. ‘That was a complete lie,’ Conway charged, insisting, ‘Nobody got fired at the Trump campaign today.’ The audacity is stunning. Not only was Conway lying herself but when someone else spoke the truth, Conway attacked that person, calling her a liar. This is how Conway began her new job as Trump’s campaign manager. And it didn’t stop there. The bald-faced lies have only continued.[sic]”

Conway’s tactic, of course, is the modus operandi of the entire Trump campaign – lie and project. It’s really the M.O. of Republicans in general, but the Trump campaign has taken it to new levels.

More of Conway’s Lies

Cain points out more of Conway’s lies and deceptions, writing,

“Some of them are so obviously false that they are laughable like Conway’s assertion that Trump does not insult people. ‘He doesn’t hurl personal insults,’ she claimed.

This, of course, is absurd. Trump is the king of hurling personal insults. Even Megyn Kelly on her Fox News program scolded Conway for this doozy. ‘Now, you know that’s not true,’ Kelly said.”

Indeed, Trump is perhaps the king of personal insults, saying things I never thought I would hear a presidential candidate say.

Cain argues, correctly and persuasively, that Conway seems to be living in some kind of fantasy land, where up is down, left is right, and hot is cold.

“Sometimes Conway’s statements are the exact opposite of reality. For example, Conway maintains that Trump desires to focus on substance and policy, whereas Clinton just wishes to pursue attacks and insults.

The world is upside down. Conway has it precisely backward. It is Trump who lacks substance and policies. He even said himself that voters don’t care about policies, and he mocked Clinton for producing policies. Trump’s campaign is hardly based upon substance and policies; rather it is based upon instilling fear without any regard for the truth. A recent fact-checking report determined that Trump’s claims are false or mostly false a whopping 78 percent of the time. Conway reinforces this cult of egregious lying.”

The Media Needs To Call This Out

Republicans bombard the American people with projection. This has been going on for decades. Many of them really do think “both sides do it” (hint: they DON’T) and that this IS reality.

The Trump surrogates that appear on television on a near-daily basis lie through their teeth, and often they get away with it.

It’s refreshing to see someone like Don Lemon, though, call Conway out for not answering a simple “yes” or “no” question.

Watch that happen here:

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Carrie is a progressive mom and wife living in the upper Midwest.