Woops! Trump Spokesperson Just Admitted His Immigration Plan Is Unworkable (VIDEO)

Don’t feel bad if you’re totally confused about Donald Trump’s immigration policy. He’s gone from one extreme to the other, announcing that his stance is “hardening,” only to turn around the next day and declare that he has been “softening” on the matter. As a matter of fact, even his own campaign staffers can’t make heads or tails of where the Orange Menace is on immigration.

On CNN earlier this morning, Trump’s always dense spokesperson Katrina Pierson was discussing the Trump immigration plan when some honesty finally slipped out. Pierson was defending her boss and his ever-shifting statements on immigration and admitted that he cannot possibly deport all of the people who are in the United States illegally. Pierson commented:

“We are continuously hearing that there’s not 11 million [undocumented immigrants], there could be 20 million, there could be 30 million. This is important because Mr. Trump can’t promise to deport every single illegal alien in the country if there’s 30 million.”

But what about Trump’s promised deportation force which will hunt down all of those who are suspected of not having their papers in order? Isn’t Trump so brilliant as a businessman that he can manage to solve this just as he has repeatedly said he will?

As we have long suspected, Donald Trump doesn’t actually have any real solutions to any issue which confronts this country. He has catchphrases–“Make America great again”–and a lot of bluster, but when it comes to specifics, he can’t be bothered with such things. He would be a disaster as President, just as he has been for thousands of workers and contractors he has stiffed over the years when various business ventures of his went belly-up.

Here’s the real bottom line: Trump is totally unfit and unprepared to be President of the United States. Nothing will ever change that fact.

Watch the video of Pierson on CNN:

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