Don’t you just love when karma pays a visit to an unsuspecting but incredibly deserving asshat like Newt Gingrich? It’s almost enough to restore your faith in the universe.

Yesterday, while appearing on Sean Hannity’s radio show, Gingrich and Hannity were discussing the coughing fit Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton had earlier this week during a campaign event. Gingrich remarked:

“I think we need to know if she’s healthy. She doesn’t seem to have a lot of energy.”

Then, attempting to fan the flames of the latest conspiracy theory from conservatives, the former Speaker of the House said he recalled Bill Clinton’s coughing, which was later attributed to acid reflux:

“Her coughs are much deeper than his and last much longer, so I don’t know what her problem is. I hope she’s all right.”

Gingrich also couldn’t resist bringing up the concussion Hillary suffered in 2012″

“Has that recovered? Does she now have a better memory than she used to? Was it only this period involving her emails that she had a bad memory?”

A few minutes later, Gingrich began coughing and had to turn away from the microphone, which prompted Hannity to joke:

“Now you sound like Hillary.”

Of course, Gingrich was quick to make an excuse for his sudden coughing jag, telling Hannity that because he flies a lot on airplanes, his throat gets dry, adding:

“I’m in good shape. At least I’m in better shape than Hillary.”

Has Gingrich looked in the mirror lately? He’s an overweight, disgusting pig of a human being who looks far from being in good shape. He needs to get on an exercise regimen and stick to it.

Also, Newt says his coughing is due to a dry throat from flying. But who flies more than a candidate seeking the White House? I’m willing to bet that Hillary Clinton has logged more air miles than Gingrich and Hannity combined. Afterall, she was Secretary of State!

Yes, karma is awesome, especially when it walks up and bites a douchnozzle like Newt Gingrich squarely on his fat rump.

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