An extraordinary rant has seen Pastor James David Manning of the ATLAH World Missionary Church, saying that God will give every gay person cancer of the buttholes as well as flames. This Pastor is not new to controversy and in this video, he appears to enjoy promising painful and physical punishment to anyone who has anal sex. Incredibly the pastor said things such as:

“God is gonna put a cancer in the butthole of every sodomite … There will be people all over America walking around with flames coming out of their butthole.

It’ll burn and burn and burn – they won’t be able to sit down because of the burning in their butthole.”

he also said:

“Everyone who has a penis injected in his butthole, when his penis comes out, the flames will start burning cause ain’t no body gonna stick no penis in that flame. That flame will be an eternal flame coming out of the butthole of every sodomite.”

and even worse:

“If you thought AIDS was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet!”

The Pastor certainly comes across as upbeat during his rant focusing on punishment of gay people, telling them they will not be able to “sit down”. He was captured saying the word “buttholes” repeatedly throughout his angry sermon. As for women, Manning says they will have flames shooting out of their vagina.

The sentiment of the sermon was an angry one along with the desire to punish gay people.


In other sermons, Manning has suggested Obama wears a bra, that sodomy is a white people’s disease, that Oprah is the anti-Christ, and that he was going to burn a rainbow flag in protest.

Manning’s words seem a far cry from the actual words of Jesus Christ, which were primarily compassionate and about being kind to your fellow man.

The video which has been circulating for months, continues to go viral.

Needless to say, Manning also supports Trump calling him gracious, hmmmm.



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