
It looks like we will finally, finally have some factual medical information about Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump.

Voters have been full of questions about the man who would be President. Does he have a language disorder? Does he perhaps suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder? It couldn’t be Alzheimer’s disease, could it?

There have been questions about his mental health, too. It’s been written that Trump suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder.

Or, more accurately, that he thoroughly enjoys his narcissistic personality disorder while the rest of us suffer. But I digress.

At any rate, there have been serious questions about the candidate and his health. He has refused all efforts to get him to release his medical records. The question of what he might be hiding is keeping us all breathless with excitement.

Of course, the eternally sneaky Trump did try to pass off a fake letter as his medical clearance. He asked a doctor that he’s known for 30 years to write a letter telling the world how super healthy and robust he is.

Unfortunately for the candidate, the doctor didn’t spend a lot of time on the excuse note, and came up with something that looked like it was written by a sixth grader trying to skip school.

There’s also the bizarre fact that the doctor who wrote the note claims to have been treating Trump for more than 30 years. But he is a specialist on digestive disorders! Has Mr. Trump had diarrhea for 30 years?

We need to know.

Finally, finally, it seems that Mr. Trump will relent, and at last will let us know the state of his health. It’s so very important for us to know that the person in the Oval Office is fit, able to withstand the stress of the job, and not declining into dementia.

So will Trump release his full medical records?

Ha, ha. Silly you.


Politico reports that Donald Trump will be appearing with Dr. Mehmet Oz on his TV show. Advertising for the show promises:

“Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is here to share his vision for America’s health. We’re asking him the questions you want answered regarding your well-being, security, money and more. A no-holds-barred conversation you’ll be talking about.”

Obviously, what Dr. Oz doesn’t promise is any actual medical information about the candidate himself. Honestly, I’m not sure we’ll learn much listening to the bloated candidate as he tells us that he is the greatest athlete who has ever lived.

There are also serious questions about Dr. Oz himself. The doctor was called before Congress to testify about his role in promoting various weight-loss scams. He admitted to lawmakers that his claims were not based on real science.

Dr. Oz has also promoted treatments that are opposed by professional medical groups. For example, one of his shows featured a horrible “treatment” to cure homosexuality. This treatment, and the view that homosexuality is a mental illness, are strongly opposed by the American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association.

So here we go again. Another doctor whose professional ethics and practices are questionable at best. Another attempt to provide no real information on the candidate’s health.

What a let down.

Featured image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr. Available through Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Generic 2.0 license.