Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo) is not shy about clamming Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. For example, she once tweeted that if President Truman was still alive, he’d call Trump a “phony bloviating god damned fool.”

I kind of love her.

She wasn’t shy when it came to Trump’s ridiculous appearance on the Dr. Oz show, either.

RawStory reports that the Senator appeared on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’. It should come as no surprise that both the host, Joe Scarborough, and the Senator had a lot to say about Trump’s stupid TV stunt with Dr. Oz.

As we’ve reported in the past, Joe Scarborough is one of many, many former buddies of Trump who now find themselves loathing the man. I’m sure he was happy to talk about the Dr. Oz nonsense.

In case you missed this bit of entertainment, um, pardon me…this bit of “political coverage,” Donald Trump wanted to finally answer the questions that have been raised, over and over again, about his physical and mental health.

He has absolutely refuses to release his medical records, but did coerce a stomach doctor to write a one page letter proclaiming him, in flowery terms, to be healthier than any one who has ever served in the Oval Office. When that bit of idiocy was laughed right out of existence, he found himself stuck. How to satisfy the press and public without actually releasing anything factual?

The Orange Menace decided to hark back to his reality TV days. He agreed to appear on the Dr. Oz show.

Yes, Doctor Oz is a real, honest to God doctor. You know, with a medical degree and everything.

Of course, he’s a doctor who was called before Congress to testify about his false medical claims. In fact, Senator McCaskill was one of his strongest critics at that hearing, blasting the TV medic for pushing weight loss products that lack any scientific backing.

So when co-host Mika Brzezinski asked McCaskill to comment on Trump’s appearance with Oz, she was happy to oblige. She said:

“Well, isn’t that a pair? Oh, my lord. Talk about two snake oil salesmen.”

What an image! I can just picture the old dusty wagon, and the two guys dressed in white shirts with suspenders. One would hold up the bottle of patent medicine, and the other would lie about how well it worked to cure his rheumatism.


McCaskill talked about Dr. Oz’s habit of using his fame to push diet pills, knowing full well that the claims were fake. Then she went on to the candidate, saying that pretty much every time he opens his mouth, he lies about something. She finished by saying:

“So I think it’s really a match made in Heaven.”

Ha! A match made in Heaven. Or somewhere…

Featured image via Wikipedia.