Hillary Clinton has been belting out some well-curated comebacks for Trump on Twitter as well as her speeches. And while most of them are meant to humor Clinton supporters, we’re pretty sure Trump supporters are tuned in to feel the burn.

Featured Image: Screenshot Of YouTube Video.
Featured Image: Screenshot Of YouTube Video.

And nothing can encapsulate the depth of these ill-educated buffoons when Hillary used these multi-syllabic words to describe them:

“To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it.”

While this may have been one of Clinton’s best jabs, the true mockery shined with what ensued.

Trump supporters were trying to digest this scathing insult and couldn’t wrap their head around the word ‘deplorables’. So much so that Merriam-Webster – the online dictionary – reported that the searches for the word increased by nearly 50,000 percent over then following weekend.

While this may be humorous to us all, this definitely paints a dark picture about the educational and intellectual upbringing of a person. It is common knowledge that a highly educated person be more liberal than conservatives, and this incident is the perfect example of just that.

Honestly, we’re just astonished to see these buffoons managing to Google definitions without breaking the internet. At least they’re eager to learn bigger words.

