The Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has insulted our military and veterans. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s new ad points out just how hurtful those words are. It shows a World War II veteran watching Trump make such nasty statements about John McCain getting captured.

The news clip shown in the ad has Trump saying this about John McCain:

“He’s a war hero because he was captured—I like people who weren’t captured, okay?”

The ad was timed with National Prisoners of War Remembrance Day, which was September 16. The man in the video is  Joel Sollender, a prisoner of war who was captured by the Nazis during WWII. He said:

“Apart from the outrage of the insult to prisoners of war, he insulted all of our military.”

“I would hope we would not adulate a man like him and put him into the most precious office in this country.”

Trump got five deferments which kept him from being drafted to Vietnam. He said his poor little footsie hurt, so he got out of being in that war.

This is not the first time Trump has insulted veterans. He said that he set up a special hotline for veterans to talk and get help. If you call it, you just get sent to a voicemail message which tells you to email the campaign.

More recently, he insulted the military and veterans at the failed Commander In Chief forum. He was talking in front of veterans, and he insulted our generals:

“I think under the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. They have been reduced to a point where it’s embarrassing for our country.”

When the topic drifted toward PTSD and veterans’ suicide, Trump corrected a female officer who asked him a question. He corrected the statistic she quoted (and he was wrong).

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.