Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump loves the military. We know this, because he keeps on telling us. He even went so far as to claim that he always felt like he had been in the military, despite the fact that he used his daddy’s money to help him dodge the draft. It all begs a question that needs answering; does the military love him back?
It’s no secret that the U.S. is one of the most militaristic countries on the face of the planet. Last year, a staggering $581 billion or around 3.3% of the nation’s entire GDP was poured into the black hole that lies at the centre of government. It’s a good job then, that the days of military coups are well and truly over. According to a recent poll, military personnel are locked in a dead heat between two candidates.
Spoiler alert. They are both men.
Warning, This Product May Contain Testosterone
The survey, conducted by the Military Times and Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families, is one of the first studies of voting preferences among military personnel. According to the, 2200 respondents, the political pantomime playing out across the national stage represents a set of voting intentions that sit in contrast to their own. As far as the military is concerned, the race is a dead heat between Trump and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.
By The Numbers
Trump is ahead, though barely, leading Johnson 37.6 percent to 36.5 percent. Meanwhile Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton trails a distant third, with only 16.3 percent of troops’ support. Even less well represented is Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who sits at just 1.2 percent support. Other third-party options were rated at 3.2 percent and a further 5 percent indicated that they would not be voting this election.
Eyes Right
Of course, the military has long been suspected of leaning towards the GOP. It is after all, an all volunteer force that focuses its recruiting efforts on the Sunbelt, that area south of the 36th parallel that likes its politics to be as red as its meat. Which makes it all the more surprising that so many of them have rejected Trump. You see, the final aggregate, headline figure, hides certain complexities.
Officers for example, are far less enamored of Trump than the rank and file enlisted personnel. According to the survey, 38.6 percent intend to vote for Johnson, 27.9 for Clinton and Trump, trails third, at 26 percent. Support from the Navy was also less polarized, with 42.3% of respondents opting for Johnson. The Marines however, were overwhelmingly in favor of Trump who sits at 50.4 percent to Clinton’s frankly dismal 10.2 percent.
A Rejection Of Trump
What’s truly striking is that a clear distaste of both Clinton and Trump is endemic. Both candidates have historically low approval ratings, and Clinton is struggling to pull ahead of one of the most inept, divisive and downright unpleasant candidates in recent political history.
As one Johnson supporter – an Army captain who withheld his name – told the Military Times:
“These are the worst two [major party] candidates we could possibly have. We deserve better as the American people and should expect better.”
Perhaps so. But a dislike of Clinton isn’t going to propel Johnson to the White House. The net effect of such sentiment has only one logical conclusion, one that barely bears thinking about.
President Trump.
Watch Gary Johnson Display His Military Ignorance:
Featured image from The Telegraph-UK.