If you happened to be watching the first big debate between Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his foe, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, you were probably waiting to hear something about the wall.
I watched on CNN, and I know I didn’t hear a word about the famous border wall that Trump has repeatedly proposed to build on our border with Mexico. You know the one I mean. The one that will keep out all those pesky rapists. The one that the Mexicans will “pay for.”
It turns out that at least some of the debate’s viewers did get to hear about the wall. Voters who watched the big event on the Hispanic stations Telemundo and Univision were treated to a fabulous satire about it.
Hilariously enough, viewers on Fox got a chance to see the send up of the proposed border wall, too.
That’s all because the beer company Tecate filmed a fantastic satirical ad that prominently featured the ridiculous wall. The beer maker is owned by Heineken, but is based in Mexico. Up until now, it has primarily aimed its commercials at Hispanic audiences, but the debate was too sweet a target for the company to ignore.
Want to see a wall worth building? Tune into #debatenight on Fox News, Telemundo and Univision to see more #TecateBeerWall pic.twitter.com/cMuNuxVEZ9
— Tecate (@tecate) September 26, 2016
The Tecate ad is a perfect spoof of Trump’s idiotic proposal to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Of course, Trump’s wall would keep people from crossing the border and sneaking into this country to steal our jobs, rape our women and sell us drugs. Its supposed to be “impenetrable.”
Instead of all that divisiveness, fear and xenophobia, the Tecate beer folks proposed a wall between the two countries that is just about hip height. The perfect height for serving some beers and snacks.
The ad starts off with an eagle soaring over the desert. Grim, desolate, arid land. A wall appears and two groups of men approach it from opposite sides. I won’t even tell you what the voice says, because its such an excellent put down of the Trumpster.
Beers are brought out and placed on the wall. Everyone ends up smiling and drinking and shaking hands.
The perfect answer to Trump’s stupid idea and a perfect way to sell a cold one to those of us who wish he’d just shut the hell up and go away.
Watch, laugh, and pop open a cold and frosty.
Featured image via YouTube screengrab.