Don’t you just feel so sorry for conservatives? I mean, these people are scared to death of just about everything!

They live in terror of using the bathroom next to someone with the “wrong” set of chromosomes. They’re convinced that ISIS is plotting to attack the town of Flyspeck, Mississippi. They’re hoarding spam and bullets in case the government comes for their weapons.

It must be exhausting to live with all that pent up terror.

Now the right wing coo-coo birds have a new item to fear and loathe.

It’s a T-shirt.

Yes, folks, Fox News reports that conservative commentator Todd Starnes is warning men not to buy the “Pantsuit Tee” being sold by the Clinton campaign, for fear of being “emasculated.”

The shirts are sold on Clinton’s campaign page. Normal people will find them something between amusing and hilarious. They have printed lapels and buttons and slash pockets.

On the back, the shirts say “Pantsuit Up.”


A gentle poke at the sexist Republican candidate, HeWhoShallNotBeNamed. An acknowledgment that the pantsuited Hillary Clinton can poke a bit of fun at herself.

Starnes took another view, though. One more in keeping with the scared to death attitude of the conservative voter. He said:

“I don’t have the fashion prowess of Tommy Hilfiger or Michael Kors, but I think it’s safe to say, Hillary’s pantsuit tee is political clothing for the emasculated man.”

Aha. Maybe I’ve spent too many years married to a psychologist, but I think this guy just summed up the real reason why so many gun-toting, Bible thumping, homophobic white men are so worked up about the idea of a woman President.

They live in constant fear for their manliness. They worry day and night about their balls.

How pathetically insecure can you possibly get?

Poor right wing nut burgers. Scared of Muslims, scared of Blacks, scared of Mexicans and scared right out of their cojones by strong women.

We know why so many of you carry around those big, long rifles, don’t we?

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.