HA! Mike Pence Accidentally ‘Whips’ Up Support For Clinton (VIDEO)

If you’ve ever taught fifth or sixth grade, you know that there are some phrases you must avoid at all costs. Any reference to a body part is a strict no-no.

Apparently Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence (R-In) has never been a teacher.

Last night during the televised debate between Pence and his Democratic opponent, Tim Kaine (D-Va), things were getting a little testy. The two men were engaged in a lively back and forth filled with interruptions and not particularly clever quips.

The discussion turned to Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, who has so famously insulted dozens of groups of Americans. Kaine said:

“When Donald Trump says women should be punished, that Mexicans are rapists and criminals, he is showing you who he is.”

To which the eminently clueless Mike Pence responded:

“Senator, you whipped out that Mexican thing again.”

Oh, my God.

Hispanic viewers were not amused, even if every pre-adolescent in the country was. Twitter immediately exploded with the hashtag #thatmexicanthing.

In no time a website, www.thatmexicanthing.org, popped up online. A click on the site was redirected to Voto Latino Action Network, a non-profit agency that promotes the involvement of Latinos in the voting process.

CNN’s Republican commentator and Trump despiser Ana Navarro shared her thoughts about the ignorant comment.

Best of all, both the website and the hashtag are now owned by the Clinton campaign. Now both of them redirect the reader to Hillary Clinton’s campaign site.


It is amazing how out of touch with reality both Mike Pence and his running mate continue to be. They are completely unable to connect with minority voters, no matter how hard they try.

How could Mike Pence believe it would helpful to his camp to remind viewers of Trump’s disgusting reference to Mexican rapists?

How could he fail to understand that the phrases “whipped out that thing” would immediately create the same image in millions of minds?

Its wonderful that Pence has managed to lead so many voters to the Hillary For President site, but he should probably hire some fifth grade advisors.

Pence should also watch more old movies. Like this one:


Featured image via YouTube Screengrab.

Karen is a retired elementary school teacher with many years of progressive activism behind her. She is the proud mother of three young adults who were all arrested with Occupy Wall Street. To see what she writes about in her spare time, check out her blog at "Empty Nest, Full Life"