*Sniff* *Sniff* Mike Pence Is Trying To Keep The Trump-Stink Off Of Himself (VIDEO)

Last night, we watched the vice presidential debate. They were talking over each other, but they weren’t quite as bad as The Donald.

Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence was saddled with the horrible role of trying to defend things that the Republican presidential nominee said.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine kept bringing up the nasty things that Trump has said, and Pence kept denying them. For instance, Pence denied that Trump called for a ban on Muslims. Even though there is a press release on the Trump campaign site saying:

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

Mike Pence actually talked about taking the Muslim ban even further. He said:

“I am very supportive of Donald Trump’s call to temporarily suspend immigration from countries where terrorist influence and impact represents a threat to the United States.”

Pence even had the nerve to call the Clinton-Kaine campaign “insult-driven.” This coming from the man who is running with the orange insult machine known as the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Pence is also very anti-abortion, but he lied about that during the debate. Kaine brought up Trump’s comment about women who have abortions being punished. Pence said this during the debate:

“Donald Trump and I would never support legislation that punished women who made the heartbreaking choice to end a pregnancy.”

Pence actually wants to completely ban abortions; he is a very anti-woman candidate. Pence said:

 “We’ll see Roe v. Wade [the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion] consigned to the ash heap of history where it belongs.”

Tim Kaine and Mike Pence did give us a somewhat interesting debate to watch. It’s not quite as exciting as the presidential one, but it got interesting at points.

Here is the Daily Show wrap-up of the vice presidential:

Featured image via Twitter.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog weneedtotalkaboutmentalhealth.com