They say that a sense of humor is one of the characteristics that make people resilient.

If that’s true, then Stephen Colbert is ready to handle any disaster.

The late night host had a lot to say about Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump. For some reason, Trump visited an elementary school in Nevada.

As he entered a first grade classroom, one of the kids said:

“I’m nervous. I’m starting to get nervous.”

Colbert said that the little girl’s reaction was perfectly understandable. He told her:

“We all are, sweetie, we all are — can’t be good. It is good that that child is memorizing that sentence now because, after President Trump is elected, that will be our pledge of allegiance: I’m starting to get nervous. ‘I’m nervous’ was in all of Trump’s wives’ wedding vows.”

Another one of the school kids told a friend:

“See? I told you his hair isn’t orange.”

The late night host commented:

“Oh, kids day the darnedest things. No, his skin is what’s orange. His hair is a decomposing prairie dog.”

Perfect! I’ll never get that image out of my head. Never.

When asked about the reason for Trump’s school visit, Colbert quipped that the candidate probably needed to borrow a pair of gloves. Ha!

Trump’s visit to Nevada was pretty much a series of laughs even without a professional comedian. At one point the candidate insisted to the crowd that the state name has to be pronounced, “Ne-vah-da.”

Except that it isn’t. Local people say the name of their state as “Ne-va-da.”  What a dope.

Colbert also made reference to Trump’s offensive statement to the terminally ill in the state. He asked those with fatal illnesses to hang on a bit longer, so they can vote for him.

The TV host said:

“I really think Trump finally found his core demographic — people who won’t be alive for his administration.”

Oh, my God. Stephen Colbert is a genius.

Then again, Donald Trump gives him an endless supply of things to work with, doesn’t he?

Featured image by Kevin Burkett via Flickr. Available through Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Generic License 2.0.