Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence appeared on MSNBC this morning to discuss the debate. And he lied through his teeth in his appearance.

Pence: ‘Raddatz Mischaracterized What I Had Said’

Pence tried to explain away Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s comment in the debate that he disagrees with Pence on Syria. The exchange between debate moderator Martha Raddatz and Trump went as follows:

“Raddatz: Mr. Trump, let me repeat the question. If you were president, what would you do about Syria and the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo, and I want to remind you what your running mate said. He said provocations by Russia need to be met with American strength and that if Russia continues to be involved in airstrikes along with the Syrian government forces of Assad, the United States of America should be prepared to use military force to strike the military targets of the Assad regime.

Trump: Okay. He and I haven’t spoken, and I disagree.

Raddatz: You disagree with your running mate?

Trump: I disagree.”

When asked about that exchange in his MSNBC appearance, Pence attempted to say that Raddatz got it wrong and that she had “mischaracterized” what he said.

No, Governor Pence – It Was A Direct Quote

See for yourself.

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