At a town hall meeting with supporters in Iowa on Tuesday, a supporter told Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence that she is “ready for a revolution” if he and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump don’t win the coming election.

Pence: ‘Don’t Say That’

The woman, who identified herself as Rhonda, stood up and tearfully told Pence:

“I will tell you just for me — and I don’t want this to happen — but I will tell you for me, personally, if Hillary Clinton gets in … I’m ready for a revolution because we can’t have her in.”

Pence quickly attempted to diffuse the situation, saying:

“Yeah, you don’t want — don’t say that.”

Mike Pence is actually nuttier than his running mate in many ways, but he does understand politics better than Trump. Furthermore, I think he understands that his running mate has incited violence among his supporters, both overtly and covertly. The vice presidential nominee doesn’t want that.

The woman continued by asking the nominee what they were going to do to safeguard votes because, of course, she’s bought into the complete and total falsehood that there is widespread voter fraud. Pence urged the people attending the town hall to be poll watchers in their communities.

Trump Is Pushing The Idea Of A Rigged Election

It’s not surprising, though, that this woman is concerned. Trump has been pushing the narrative lately that the election will be “stolen” from him.

Despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, there is no such thing as widespread voter fraud. I think Trump’s lizard brain knows he’s going to lose, so he has to push the idea that it will be “stolen” from him because, otherwise, it means he loses. To a WOMAN.

Watch the exchange between Pence and the supporter here:

Featured Image via screenshot from NBC Nightly News Twitter video