This election has been a crazy rollercoaster. The Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been outed as the sleazy man we all figured he is.

The Commission on Presidential Debates has released the topics that Fox News anchor, Chris Wallace, will be covering in the final debate on Wednesday, October 19.

Here are the topics that will be covered and a bit about what the responses may be:

1. Debt And Entitlements

Since Donald Trump has abandoned any coherent, logical rhetoric on real issues, expect him to start talking about minorities. Trump doesn’t have any clear plans on this issue. He just talks about the national debt being a “disaster.”

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton wants to raise taxes on the super-wealthy. She will also talk about how Republicans have torn up Social Security, and she wants to fix it.

2. Immigration

Before this latest scandal, Trump would have done well on this topic. He could shout “Build a wall” and be good. Now, he sees himself as “unshackled.” He will likely take a more extreme stance, and he will likely repeat the words “law and order” a lot.

Hillary Clinton actually has plans to grant amnesty to these people. She is not demonstrating prejudice against immigrants like Donald Trump does.

3. Economy

Winning Democrats has a great summary of Trump’s economic plans:

“Trump built a company. A great company. Possibly the greatest company the world has ever known. He has plans. He has the greatest plans. His plans are so great that he needs plans to talk about his plans. He created tens of thousands of (low-paying, non-union, screwed if you’re an independent contractor) jobs and he will negotiate deals like you’ve never seen. The best deals. Oh, and NAFTA. NAFTA. NAFTA. Clinton. NAFTA.”

Hillary Clinton has clear, logical plans to improve our economy. She wants to increase taxes on the rich. She wants to build an economy for everyone.

According to her website:

“Hillary will fight to pass a plan in her first 100 days in office to invest in infrastructure, manufacturing, research and technology, clean energy, and small businesses. She will strengthen trade enforcement, and she’ll say no to trade deals like TPP that don’t meet a high enough bar of creating good-paying jobs.”

She also says she wants free college and increased profit sharing.

4. Supreme Court

Trump will babble about his supposed list of 100 judges who he would choose from. He wants a judge just like the extreme right-wing Antonin Scalia who passed away earlier this year. We are frightened by the prospect of Donald Trump choosing possibly up to 6 new justices. He will swing the Supreme Court to the extreme right.

5. Foreign Policy

Donald Trump will likely mention ISIS a lot again. He may double down on his claims that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton founded ISIS.

Hillary Clinton will use this topic to discuss her experience in foreign policy while she was Secretary of State. She will point out the fact that we need to build a partnership with Islamic nations and not lump them all in with “radical Islam.”

6. Fitness To Be President

This topic will be an easy win for Hillary Clinton. We all know that Donald Trump is unfit to serve as president for many reasons.

Here is a news clip about Chris Wallace moderating the debate:

Featured image via Twitter.