With less than a month to go before the election, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is slowly losing it. Last weekend, he faced the worst scandal of his campaign. Audio recorded on an Access Hollywood bus in 2005 let us hear Donald Trump bragging about the way he forces himself on women.

Now, more women are coming forward every day saying he actually did assault them.

His campaign advisors are trying to get Trump to behave. He has been using teleprompters for his speeches. Yesterday, he had a meltdown and destroyed the teleprompters at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Trump had some word salad to address the matter:

“You know, it’s very funny. I went through 17 professional politicians, top people, and I went without any teleprompters. Then all of a sudden, they said, ‘Well now you’re running the election, you need teleprompters.’ And I like tele — they’re fine, but it’s sort of cooler without it, right? Don’t you think? I like it better without it. And it’s a little strange when you see this place. I watch Hillary, she’s got the biggest pieces of glass. And sometimes they’re painted black on the other side, because you see better. And she always just reads off the teleprompter and it’s short and then she goes home and she goes to sleep.”

This may be the beginning of a meltdown.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s press secretary, Brian Fallon, said:

The Daily News Bin reported:

“How much longer before Donald Trump begins hurling stage objects into the crowd, or decides to try to physically attack the reporters in the room whom he’s now increasingly haranguing? That’s no longer clear. But what is clear is that his ongoing meltdown is being recognized as just that: a meltdown.”

It seems as if Trump’s behavior is just getting worse. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him throw things. He has condoned violence before.

Here’s the clip from the rally:

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.