Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence isn’t sure if Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is taking performance-enhancing drugs before the presidential debates. At a rally on Saturday in New Hampshire, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested that Clinton may be using drugs to enhance her debating skills. Apparently, Clinton’s winning streak stems from drug use.
A Drug Test Prior to the Next Debate?
During the rally, Trump mentioned that Clinton looked energetic at the beginning of her debate but lost steam towards the end. He even mentioned that she could “barely reach her car” post-debate. During a Sunday interview on Fox News, Mike Pence was asked to elaborate on Trump’s comments. He pivoted – rather than directly answer the question, he went on a rant about how Trump is the chosen one to lead the country.
Donald Trump, Forever Reflecting His Insecurities
The baseless accusation of Clinton using drugs to enhance her debating skills is, for some, part of a global conspiracy theory to bring down Trump. From saying that his mic is defective to recoiling at the gall of the media airing conversations where he mentions that he wants to grab women intimately without their consent, Trump seems to have a difficult time understanding the backlash. He and his campaign have a difficult time understanding that his opponent may just be better at certain things, like composure and debating skills.
The fact is, the media is simply relaying information. The repercussions that Trump and many in his campaign are experiencing don’t exist in a vacuum – they are reactions to a campaign that seems hell-bent on demeaning the disabled, reducing black Americans via tokenism, turning women into sex objects, and disrespecting military men and women who may have post-traumatic disorder. If Donald Trump was seriously worried about this so-called media conspiracy, then he wouldn’t be consistently feeding into it.
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