Mitt Romney’s Niece Fired GOP Vice Chair For Refusing To Support Trump (VIDEO)

Anyone who has ever seen an ouroborus – an ancient symbol depicting a snake eating its own tail –  will immediately recognize the obvious parallels with the sorry state of the GOP.

For most, the inability of party members to come out and say what needs to be said, will haunt them long after this election has been decided. That they cannot bring themselves to denounce Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has left them rudderless in a sea of moral distrust.

If He Only Had A Brain

Not that Trump has the backing of the entire establishment. Sure, Paul Ryan has displayed less spine than the average baked eel pie. And yes, Ted Cruz’s moment of courage fizzled away quicker than an Alka-Seltzer dropped in a glass of hot Pepsi. 

But the party of Lincoln’s disarray is not total. There are some, though far too few, who have drawn a line in the sand. They balked at the man’s deplorable attacks on the disabled. They listened to Trump’s vile comments via a hot mic recording and tore up their party cards. Others watched in mute horror as an avalanche of women came forward with allegations of sexual assault.

There were those in the party who rejected him from the outset. Others reluctantly followed the orange brick road, only to find their initial exuberant skipping degenerate into a lethargic shuffle. Both groups came to the same conclusion. They didn’t want to go see the not so wonderful Wizard of Id after all. Oh no.

They just wanted to go home and wait for the house to land on his head.

If He Only Had A Heart

Michigan GOP Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel, Mitt Romney’s niece no less, is not one of these people.

Earlier today, McDaniel removed Grassroots Vice Chair Wendy Day from her position, simply because she refused to support Trump. In an email to state committee members McDaniel said:

“Upon seeking advice from our legal counsel, and recognizing that our Grassroots Vice Chair is unable to fulfill the duties of her office, I am declaring the position … vacant,”

Day, in refusing to support the Republican nominee, had violated a by-law that had never even been used before. According to Michigan Republican Party spokeswoman Sarah Anderson:

“Our by-laws dictate that if an elected officer of the party is not supporting our ticket, they be removed,”

That the law hadn’t been used before is hardly surprising. The GOP has after all, never selected as their nominee, anyone as bereft of basic decency as Trump before.

Day seems to agree.

Speaking via emails she stated that:

“While some may say that I am not supporting the party, that is simply not true. In fact, in looking long-term, I am doing my best to try to protect what the party has stood for.”

She added:

“We have never had an election like this. Those who say that the normal rules don’t apply to this election are correct. We need to be honest about the number of people who are considering staying home on Nov. 8 — and we need to work to reach out to them without being bullies.”

There is, sadly, little chance of that.

Watch Wendy Day explain why she can’t vote for Trump:

Featured image from YouTube video.

I'm a full- time, somewhat unwilling resident of the planet Earth. I studied journalism at Murdoch University in West Australia and moved back to the UK where I taught politics and studied for a PhD. I've written a number of books on political philosophy that are mostly of interest to scholars. I'm also a seasoned travel writer so I get to stay in fancy hotels for free. I have a pet Lizard called Rousseau. We have only the most cursory of respect for one another.