In the last couple of weeks, we have seen just how gross the Republican presidential nominee really is. Last weekend, we heard some leaked audio from an Access Hollywood bus in 2005. Trump discussed kissing and touching women without their consent.

Since then, women have come forward and said Trump grabbed or kissed them without their consent. Others have come forward and are talking about how wrong this behavior is.

This week, one little girl reacted in the correct way when confronted with a kiss from Donald Trump. She wasn’t having any of it. She should have because he was trying to kiss her on the lips. Wrong move, gropey Trumpy!

Can you blame her? Trump shouldn’t be trying to kiss children on the mouth. It reinforced the creepy pedophile image that we all have of Donald Trump now.

He was giving a speech and he saw her in the audience and started gushing about how beautiful she is. He said:

“She got all decked out for this evening, Wow, so beautiful. Bring her, she’s so beautiful.”

He is trying to act warm for his supporters. He’s probably thinking that he could be dating her in ten years.

Can you blame the girl? Even Trump’s own children duck his kisses.

Never forget, #DonaldTrumpWantsToBangHisDaughter. He has talked about dating his older daughter, Ivanka. At the Republican National Convention, he grabbed his daughter’s hips in a creepy way after she introduced his speech.

Ivanka seems to have been conditioned to tolerate it. She still defends him against the sexist comments he spews regularly. She once cancelled an interview because the reporter talked about her dad’s sexist comments.

Do you want to see how a real president treats children? I give you President Barack Obama.

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.