The Republican party has nominated a whiny little gropey baby, Donald Trump, as their candidate for President of the United States.
Now he is saying that the media, the liberals, and everyone else is rigging the election against him. President Barack Obama said:
“You start whining before the game’s even over, if whenever things are going badly for you and you lose you start blaming somebody else, then you don’t have what it takes to be in this job.”
Trump has a new way to whine about how horribly he is doing in the election. He told supporters that he doesn’t believe the polls anymore. At a rally in Colorado Springs, he said:
“You can’t believe anything you see. I don’t even believe the polls. I see these polls and they’re not terrible. They’re sort of good. Actually if the people come out and vote, they’re very nervous. I have a feeling this is another Brexit.”
Some polls are better than others, but there are lots of polls out there. Most of them have Clinton winning in one way or another. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to believe them.
Reuters/Ipsos polls show Clinton leading by four percent. The CBS News poll has Clinton winning by 11 points, and the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll have her winning by 10 points. Even the Faux News (Fox News) poll has Clinton winning by seven points.
Trump used to open every rally by bragging about how well he was doing in the polls. I guess he has changed his mind. At least he has admitted that fact. He recently said:
“When we do badly, I don’t talk about the polls. When we’re doing well, I talk about the polls.”
Trump has insulted just about every group you can think of. That is probably why he is doing so badly in the polls.
Featured image via YouTube screenshot.